For your Feet! (and legs)

I can’t help myself.  I like fashion. I really do like it.

I am a pretty serious thrift store shopper and I also like making my own things.  However, I get tons of inspiration from places like Pinterest and the daily fashions of the bloggers I follow.  Since I have no desire to pay retail (for a wide variety of reasons, least of which is that I can’t afford to) I like looking for DIY versions and vintage counter-parts that may have even inspired current items.

The things I do end up buying new are usually socks and leggings and sometimes shoes. Here is a sampling of some of my favorites that I’ve pinned over the years.

I’m not sure I could bring myself to run in these shoes below–they’re too cute!  Plus, I am a barefoot style jogger and wear these hideous things that look like a nightmare but great for running (in my opinion).

Sneakers on right by Nike Liberty. Sneaker on left by Memphis Group adidas.

I totally have versions of both these socks below. I did not buy them through this website so I can’t speak for their particular quality but DANG they are cute as all get out.  For “novelty” socks the price is not too bad. If you spend $25 you get free shipping, which is pretty much 3 pair and you’ll definitely want at least 3 pair!!

The Dainty Squid originally turned me on to Mod Cloth and all of their drool worthy goods. This past week a pair of socks appeared on Kaylah’s Friday Favorites.  These two pair below are on my “when-I-get-some-extra-flow” list.  I think the ones on the right look sort of like flamingos. And the ones on the left, I mean, come on!  Kittens in the pussy willows?! Too cute and SO ME!

Kawaii, y’all.  Are you familiar with the term?  My personal definition of kawaii is a combination of colorful and cute with a child-like feeling. My whole look is not always as over the top as kawaii often is, but it’s still a pretty good description of how I dress when I’m not just in jeans and a tee shirt.


My favorite things: minty green/Baja Blast, sprinkled sweets, and Totoro!

And while we are drooling, let’s go ahead and admire these shoes…

Irregular Choice and Palladium Boots are my most coveted shoe brands.  Seriously, I would wear anything from either brand.  I may never forgive myself for not getting those glow boots last winter season.  I have a basic black pair that I LOVE.  A glowing sole? Ugh.  Want. So. Baddd.

Just an FYI, I wear a European size 37 ❤

And just one more thing:








Like I said, I do occasionally splurge on fancy stuff, but I also make my own socks.  I sell them on my etsy shop, so you can splurge and buy them and then I can splurge and buy more fancy socks!  We all win, haha!  If you see anything you like, let me know!

Until next time, keep your feet happy, however that suits YOU!



Recovery from vacation


Hello from regular, post-vacation life!

I’m just about unpacked and ready to start back to life’s routine.  Just about.


I am such a sucker for pastel colored food!  I saw these little ready made sundaes in the ice cream case as I hustled my way to the bathroom on a pit stop heading home.  We picked up the coconut patties as a little treat for my grandparents.  The Neapolitan bar was mom’s snack–that kind was always a favorite of my father.  He also loved Zagnut candy bars. Have you ever had one of them? Have you tried these sundaes?

Another fun fact: the gas station sold six packs of my favorite Catawba Brewing Company beer: White Zombie.  I love seeing micro-brews creeping their way across the state!

There are a few things from the trip that I forgot to tell you about.

The clown doll from Day 2 got SOLD!!!  I was back at the same store two days later and the clown doll (and a few other dolls) were gone.  I am so happy about it!  Truthfully, the clown would probably made it’s way into my life otherwise.

There were two funny things that I saw but couldn’t get a picture of in time.  One was a weird little convertible police car that was parked next to the Ruby Tuesday in Ormond beach.  THERE WAS A STORM TROOPER IN IT.  As I was writing this post I googled “storm trooper in Daytona” and this popped up!  Of course a picture of this made it to instagram!

The other thing was a sign for a pawn shop on Ridgeway, down toward the Port Orange area–their marquee read: WE BUY SMART PHONE TAXIDERMY TABLETS. Doesn’t get much better than that in signage!  ❤

These animals are certainly NOT taxidermied.

(Patti Smith and Duck get frisky with their friend; Fraidy hides.)

While mom and I were gone, Mr. Smith took care of the cats.  As and extra thanks (besides the silly touristy trinkets) I took him out to eat at Saigon Garden.  I got this fortune!  Haha!  We certainly did have a pleasant trip.  As a side note, if you live in the area and like Asian food, you MUST go to Saigon Garden.  I always get the V#6: fried tofu with rice noodles, cucumber, bean sprout, and peanuts.  Go ahead and drool over the menu.


Sunday was race day down in Daytona.  Back in the old days when my mom and granddaddy would go to the race, my grandmother and I would stay at the condo.  I told y’all about the writing in the sand trick (boy it sure didn’t work this year!) but there is another tradition I forgot until about lunch time yesterday: Macaroni and Cheese.  We always had fancy boxed shells and cheese for lunch on race day.  I had no boxed stuff at home, but I did have the goods to make it from scratch. (I promise to do a post about making it from scratch some day soon because it is SO GOOD.)  I had a random bag of lemon pasta from Aldi that I used since that was all I had.  Dang if I wish I hadn’t bought more bags of it!  Typical.  Anyway, here are some pics of the end product.

That’s about it for my vacation wrap up.  Happy Monday to everyone!



Daytona Adventures, Part 4


On our last day in Daytona, we finally made it for a walk on the beach!

 There were birds.


              Just look at those little birdy foot prints.


My grandmother and I had a pretty great race day tradition back in the day. We would walk down to the beach and write the name of our favorite driver in the sand.  In doing so, our driver should win.  Over the past few years that it has just been my mom and me on this trip, we have written votes for the grandparents in the sand for them.  This year I am pulling for the Missouri hero, Carl Edwards.  Those of you Walking Dead fans will get the double entendre for the name I wrote in the sand.  Go #99!!!

I love pastel colored buildings at the coast.  This robin’s egg blue motel is so inviting!

On the right is the beach view of the Desert Inn I was telling y’all about yesterday.

Those old motor lodges sure are magic!

AND HERE IS THE GROTTO!  We made it back to the Our Lady of Lourdes thrift shop and had fun poking around there. Of course I had to get a picture of famed grotto. The sun made taking a picture nearly impossible, or maybe that’s just what happens when you photograph a grotto.  There was a little waterfall in there, and all sorts of plastic flowers. The rock part was seriously 12 feet tall at least.  Pretty impressive and possibly worth mentioning in directions after all.




Some beautiful ankle breakers from the grotto thrift.  I admired them and took a picture instead of risking life and limb for glamour. They’d be great for a Carolina Panther’s party though!!





Pinkadilly has been a favorite shopping spot over the past few years.  This is a good a time as any to mention that pretty much every thrift store in Daytona is run by crabby religious women from up North.  At Pinkadilly they were having a sale on clothes for kids.  As I was paying for my couple of purchases the cashier said, “Well I guess our clothes sale for children wouldn’t interest you–you’re past that point in your life.”  WTH?!?!  I’m not a pup but I’m not THAT old!  It gave mom and I a good laugh, after I convinced mom not to slap her.  I pointed out that I still get carded for booze so I’m not that worried about it. Still, these ladies could learn a thing or two about southern hospitality from the really friendly bartenders in town!


Why does this pink bunny tube thing have a flash light in her mouth?

And this flat clown–his eyes make cents, don’t they?

After a few new thrift stores we headed back to the Daytona Flea Market to pick up a few last gifts.  I always love looking at the miles and miles of funny t-shirts.  Here is a selection of what I admired!




The NASCAR merchandise area at the flea market is a nice alternative now that the driver’s don’t have their own trucks at the speedway.  There is a ton of junk to sort through and if you take your time you can find some gems.  Here is a crowd scene–note the giant soft serve cone in the background–they sell huge waffle cones of the good stuff. We bypassed the sweets in lieu of draft beer, which you can walk around drinking while you shop.  This makes the dip sampling isle even more delightful.


Now for the day’s purchases!

I have tried really hard to NOT start collecting salt and pepper shakers.  I’ve resisted it for at least 25 years.  It was coming, and there was nothing to be done to stop it.  This set of skulls set me back a whole 50 cents.  The shakers rock back and forth and make a delightful clacking sound.  I have got to learn how to make GIFs so that you can see them in action.  Just incredible.  The shaker collection has officially begun.


2 can coozies from my favorite Daytona bar (DJ’s Deck), vintage beaded necklace, troll doll (FREE from the Grotto thrift store!), feather butterfly bird clips, earrings with sparkles!


And finally a totally weird doll score!!!!

I Love Lucy, “Lucy is Envious” Episode 89, Pink Label Barbie

and an acme ceramic stove, perfect for my doll house!


Here is a close up of one of the two crazy little dolls!  Look at that nose and eyebrows!!!!


I’m not sure if I’m going to open the box or save them to maybe sell later.  I already found a set of them on Ebay going for about 3 times what I paid.  BUT THEY ARE SO WEIRD I may not be able to part with them.  So glad I finally found some weird dolls on this trip.

And now it is Jacuzzi time.  It’s been a heck of a trip!  I hope you have enjoyed my field notes!  Stay tuned for my return to regular life in the LC.  Until next year, Daytona!







Daytona Adventures Part 3

Oh hello again!  

I’m glad you are tuning in to my vacation exploits, and enjoying them along with me!

This is one of my favorite houses in Daytona.  Note the vases on the exterior wall!  I am always worried that the vases will be gone–maybe they’re actually cemented to the little shelves?  They usually have plastic flowers in them.  Life goals: vases on the outside of my house.  I think it would be adorable, even on a farm house instead of a coastal rancher!


Today’s thrifting was a little less fulfilling than previous days but I still got a few gems, and pictures of some of the things I left behind.

At one of the GoodWill stores I found this Harajuku kawaii dream outfit starter kit.  Too bad the GLAM PIE shoes by Love Pastry were too big and the candy pop shirt was too small. Cinderella couldn’t win this one.  I also bypassed the cute little bus stop girl and the safety pin beaded angel, but they were totally worth showing you a picture of!


Okay now, here is the doll that I tried to buy yesterday at City Thrift and tried to buy again today.  Unfortunately she still didn’t get to come home with me.  The store has a policy that if an item doesn’t have a price tag, the item can’t be sold.  I guess this is presumably to  keep people from getting a different price? The cashier told me yesterday that the doll would be priced and ready for purchase today but she was still behind the counter with priced dolls so yet another cashier refused to sell her.  I guess I should have asked for a manager, but I just asked if I could take a picture.

I don’t think she is really worth anything monetarily, but I really like her.  I love her polka dotted dress, hoop earrings and big bosom!  At least I have a picture.

To soothe my sadface we went and lunched at Aunt Catfish.



Our local friend Suanne met us there for lunch.  She had to have water since she had to go to work, but mom and I had margaritas. These are legit cocktails, not the watered down stuff that a lot of tourist locations try to pass off.  Completely worth the $8.

This is a pretty quintessential tourist destination and you will probably have to wait for a table if you are around during the weekend or any peak week.  There is a reason for the crowd though–the food is perfect, and the restaurant is a well oiled machine.

Go ahead and drool. Sorry for the slightly shaky picture-I was twitching with delight.  Seen here is the fish reuben for $9.99.  Every meal comes with a cinnamon roll.  Not sure why they give you one; it’s just part of the shtick and thank goodness it is.  My mom usually manages to save hers for breakfast the next day but I do not have that kind of self control.


Pro tip: you can sit at the bar and order food and not have to wait on a table.  There is also a community table where you sit with strangers and also don’t have to wait as long.  There is a great hot and cold buffet that are worth indulging in also.  Um, all you can eat cheese grits and slaw?  Yes.  On the salad bar they have all the standards plus some specialties like pickled watermelon rind.  So fun!

After lunch we shopped our way through the food & booze that threatened to hold us back.

More strange dolls I snapped pictures of but did not snap up.

I almost couldn’t resist this stuffed cat.  I am such a sad sack for stuffed animals–I want to take them home when they look lonely!  I know it’s silly, but it’s how I am.  This sweet cat was just the prettiest lightest pale blue.  I finally decided that it was cute that surely someone would buy it for their kid or grandchild.  Sigh.

The cats on the right were totally bizarre plaster wall hangings about a pound a piece and 2 feet tall.  So delightfully creepy, but I was worried they would fall off the wall and break, even though they’d look amazing next to my pair of chihuahua pictures.  Yep, I have chihuahua pictures.


But for real, these Catholics have a garden of statues at every thrift store.


Here is your funny for the day: we’ve been driving past this place the whole trip and I finally got a decent picture of the sign.



The Desert Inn was one of the fanciest hotels that I remember from back when I was a kid. It always looked SO glamorous, so exotic.  The Inn had a multi-story lobby with chandeliers that lit up the inside at night and made the entrance look like something from a Humphrey Bogart movie.  There was a hurricane around 2006-2007 that have devastated Daytona area that have damaged many motels and hotels beyond repair.  The Desert Inn is one of the casualties of that storm.  I keep hoping someone with a ton of money will take on this once glorious location and bring back its former awe inspiring presence. So far the shell lingers with depressing no trespassing signs that threaten felony charges for entry.


On a happier note: HAPPY HOUR!  The Oyster Pub is a fantastic sports bar where each table has it’s own tv and they have 2 for 1 happy hour cocktails from 4 to 7 Monday through Friday.  This place proves that a bar can have stiff drinks for a good price, friendly service, and the staff can still make money off tourists.  Asheville bars could learn a lesson from places like this.

NOTE:  I loathe Keslowski–please excuse my use of his coaster.




Can you see the little lizard in the lower right corner of this picture?  I’ve been trying to get a picture for days of the silly little lizards that scurry around the grounds of our condo.  This is the best I have gotten!  I’ll try again tomorrow.






Here are today’s treasures, puny as they are!  2 little doll purses (for 10 cents each!), a tiger tail keychain, faux coral rosette necklace, Sally Hansen salon polish ($2.59!), set of doll eye chips and a diamond button (may can shave these down for a Bylthe–50 cents!), Cajun cookin’ playing cards with magnetic box (featuring a recipe on each card), and the real score of the day: cat earrings!!!!



This book.  I couldn’t resist.  I’ll report back on the gems that are surely inside.

See you tomorrow for the final vacation installment! 


Daytona Adventures Part 2

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!


Even though we have been taking this Daytona trip for about 34 years and staying at the same condo AND spending a LOT of time thrifting, we somehow only found the Our Lady of Lourdes thrift store just last year.  I bought a pair of bronze cowboy boots on the first visit.  Enough said.  We tried to hit up the store today but instead we found this sign.



We actually did find the building where we *think* the thrift store is located.  It sounds like it might be a weekend thing so we’ll check back in to it later in the week.  If the store is open, I’ll be sure to ask about the grotto thing.

Another perennial favorite is the Secret Attic.  I found some of these curiosities there:

Ughhhh I just love weird toys.  I may go back for this sunny clown doll.  It was 1/2 off…

Ceramic bell with tabby cat and a gold bow? Tiny little person with luxurious painted on lashes kneeling next an oversize shoe named January?  $4 jar of decorative rotten green beans?  Guess which one is coming home with me…


I saw this store out of the corner of my eye and hollered for mom to whoop it in to the parking lot.  It was worth it for both the signs and the tiny basket of trinkets I picked up there for just a dollar.  PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A MESS.


And then it was lunch time.  Last year while looking up breweries in the area we heard about BJ’s Taphouse.  It’s a chain which I sort of avoid in general, but this place is worth a try.  I mean, just look at these taps!  And this 4-screen Brady Bunch looking tv thing is pretty great, especially for sportsball and/or the political season.  I love multitasking.



During lunch hour there is a $7.99 unlimited soup and salad special.  You can mix and match all the choices you want–sorry I didn’t get a picture of EITHER of the Caesar salads that I ate; they were just that good.  There was also a wedge salad option, and this balsamic reduction Caprese salad.  Tomato bisque was only one vegetarian soup so I can’t speak to the others but the guy sitting next to us at the bar was raving about the chicken tortilla.

After fueling up our bellies it was race time!

Mom read in the newspaper that there was going to be a free fan event at the speedway today.  There was legit free parking in the CLOSE parking lots which made this a totally easy and for real FREE fan event!  I think this year is the 2nd time the speedway has hosted this.  If it happens again next year we will be there–mom and I are already planning drinks and snacks to take with us!  It still boggles my mind that you can walk around drinking out in the open, like you’re in New Orleans or something!

First stop was gift shops, because I love gift shops. Make me exit through one any time.

Water bottles and plushie racing critters!

It was kind of a bummer to discover that there isn’t a merch lot anymore.  It used to be that individual drivers had big rig trucks with all sorts of merchandise for sale.  Now all the merch is sold by one company an there aren’t as many inexpensive and sale items (like bumper stickers, key-chains, and last years shirts).   The one kind of cool thing was the vintage style items from retired or long lost drivers.  These Cale Yarborogh trucker style caps were really neat.



This little die cast car caught my eye because it says “Smith Auto Parts” (my last name).  On second glance I figured out that it’s actually a model of the car driven by a LADY driver named Louise Smith.  I can’t wait to read more about her!  Learn something new every day, y’all.




$8 domestics, $9 premium, $9 mixed drinks, $7 wine, $5.50 peanuts,  $4 water.

(Whew lordy, this is why ya bring your own supplies!)

Here are the rules for the race track!

(Can you bring knitting needles?  I still dunno because they didn’t check my bag!)


Requisite track shots!!!

I hadn’t been to the track since 2003 and boy have things changed.  There have been pretty major improvements made to the entire compound.  Unfortunately, tickets have gotten so pricey that we certainly can’t afford them anymore.  I’ll not get too political on that note–I was really excited to get to see all the changes…for free.  There were even some cars running laps during the fan event so we got to hear the roar!

Oh, rule breakers. NO STANDING.


It was a really fun time.  Thanks Daytona International Speedway for the dang rad freebie.

Here are the spoils of the day! Tiny telephone keychain, 2 tiny blue princess castles, tiny bear in a chef’s hat, troll doll with lavender hair, nekkid kewpie girl, doll spray bottle & milk carton, pop-a-point pencil, 80s pale pink basket, plastic box of 1×1 squares of multicolored paper , baja blast colored falsies with golden polka dots, stretchy black belt with hook buckle, fruity infuser water bottle.


More fun tomorrow!

Holler if you have any ideas for more fun stuff to do in the Daytona area! ❤





Daytona Adventures Part 1

Hello from sunny 70 degree Daytona Beach!  Today is actually supposed to be the warmest day of our trip, so don’t get *too* jealous.  Mom and I made stops at some of our most favorite spots today, starting with the Daytona Flea Market.  There are some people down here already but it feels like not a lot of  race fans have gotten to town yet.  Even though the flea market is open the whole week leading up to the 500, there were a lot of vendors who didn’t open up shop today, even by the time we left around noon.  There weren’t many produce vendors so that was kind of a bummer.

Thank goodness the weird Asian dollar stores were open–they are my weakness.






Knock off Monster High girls-I like the box on the right were it looks like Frankie is trying to hold Clawdine back, lol.


(I did NOT buy any of these dolls, but I was temped by the girl on top! Too bad she’s $13.99)

A box of mechanical puppies–I am totally temped by the green striped one.  Mom and I momentarily thought the box was an embroidery kit instead of “embrocation”…whatever that means.  After reading the ingredients list and smelling the tiny bottle inside, I think it is some sort of pain relief liquid.  I just love weird stuff like this.

Pooh wants out of that van, I think… oh, flea markets.


There have been several bars & restaurants we’ve gone to over the years, “down under” the Dunlawton bridge. I barely caught this pic of the sign as mom drove down.


Under the bridge, DJ’s Deck has been a top favorite for the past 3 years.  We usually go at least two or three times while we are in Florida.  The place is right on the inter-coastal waterway and next to a seafood market so boats go in and out and you can watch seafood get unloaded by all manner of salty dogs.  Our top picks are the fish dip $6.99, hush puppies $1.99, and the ONE DOLLAR oyster shooters. Horseradish, hot sauce, jalapeno, oyster, and a splash of beer.  SMH.  See it pictures below next to the beer.

And now for a few more weird scenes from the day!


(what the actual heck?)



(Again, what the actual heck?!)


Crab legs!!!!  Charlie Horse was recommended to me years ago by my college friend Dustin Spagnola (a really rad artist who grew up in  the area).  The Tuesday special is two pounds of crab legs for $20.  You pretty much can’t beat it and the legs have been fresh every time I’ve had them.  The Ceasar salad is also a favorite–the lettuce is so cold it’s just a notch above frozen.  Totally worth going 2 nights in a row.  And we usually do!


Purchases of the day!  Vinyl apron (featuring strange Asian to English translations), 2 plastic deviled egg plates, beaded poinsettia appliques (10 cents!),6 feathered birds, plastic string, glittered fold-up fans, bright yellow im-PRESS nails (my favorite falsies), 3 picture easels, 2 jewel encrusted hair clips, and an outfit that you’ll prolly get to see tomorrow.


Stay tuned for more fun tomorrow!  





MySpace flashback/Picayune Pictures #2

Here is a hilarious Myspace era quiz type thing!
37 ODD THINGS ABOUT ME!! (Though I don’t find these questions odd…)
1. Do you like blue cheese? YES!
2. Have you ever smoked? yes
3. Do you own a gun? yes
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? BLUE raspberry!
5. Favorite color? bright sunny yellow
6. What do you think of hot dogs? with spaghetti
7. Favorite Christmas movie? White Christmas
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? black coffee
9. Can you do push ups? maybe 2 or 3, lol
10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? blue topaz ring
11. Favorite hobby? all things crafty!
12. Do you have A. D. D? naw
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? yes
14. Middle name? Inez
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: bojangles, chapstick, fires
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink daily. water, coffee, wine
17. Current worry? will it snow on Monday
18. Current hate right now? if you know, you know.
19. Favorite place to be?  next to you, sittin’ next to me
20. How did you bring in the new year? with the cannon!
21. Where would you like to go? FLORIDA!
22. Name three people who will complete this: John Sheffield, Heather, Mandi
23. Do you own slippers? no
24 What color shirt are you wearing? one I found at the by the pound Goodwill
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? ew, hell naw
26. Can you whistle? yes
27. Where are you now? library
28. Would you be a pirate?.meh, nah
29. What songs do you sing in the shower?  none really
30. Favorite Girl’s Name?  Hollar
31. Favorite boy’s name?  Hollar
32. What is in your pocket right now?  lint
33. Last thing that made you laugh?  Amethyst at work
34. What vehicle do you drive? Ford Ranger
35. Worst injury you’ve ever had?  ovarian cancer
36. Do you love where you live? yes!
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1

Valentine Treats!

White foods!!!!!  City Lunch & House of Pizza

Omg y’all, when I get back from vacation I am on a new get-up-and-go regimen.  Until then, prepare yourself to be drooling all over your keyboard at the eats and drinks you’re gonna see.
Always on the lookout for weird text!
Repost with your silly answers!!!!
37 ODD THINGS ABOUT ME!! (Though I don’t find these questions odd…)
1. Do you like blue cheese?
2. Have you ever smoked?
3. Do you own a gun?
4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite?
5. Favorite color?
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
7. Favorite Christmas movie?
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
9. Can you do push ups?
10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
11. Favorite hobby?
12. Do you have A. D. D?
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts?
14. Middle name?
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink daily.
17. Current worry?
18. Current hate right now?
19. Favorite place to be?
20. How did you bring in the new year?
21. Where would you like to go?
22. Name three people who will complete this:
23. Do you own slippers?
24 What color shirt are you wearing?
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
26. Can you whistle?
27. Where are you now?
28. Would you be a pirate?.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
30. Favorite Girl’s Name?
31. Favorite boy’s name?
32. What is in your pocket right now?
33. Last thing that made you laugh?
34. What vehicle do you drive?
35. Worst injury you’ve ever had?
36. Do you love where you live?
37. How many TVs do you have in your house?

On pinning and pining: Pin Fails

After I waxed poetic about Pinterest a while back, I want you to know that I also LOVE pin fails.

Good Housekeeping  had this showcase of 44 pin fails, but I gotta say that their definition of “fail” is different from mine.  First of all, I’m not sure these folks followed any instructions for these recipes/projects.  Second, I bet a second attempt would yield way better results.  Practice makes perfect-er.

FAIL #1: Peppermint Plate


One of the most serious pin FAILs I have had is the now infamous hard candy bowl/dish/plate/ornament.  The one above was made by Jessie Jane over at the Hallmark Channel.

I’m not sure why I didn’t take an “after” picture to document the truly terrible fail that it was.  Maybe because it was a scorched stinky mess that set off the smoke alarm?  I am not one to leave any sort of food or craft unattended on the stove or in the oven.  I am telling you that I looked at the pan and the candies were intact, and then they were molten and smoking. That 0.0027 seconds was enough to turn the pretty candies into a puddle that resembled the puddle of candy in the picture below and to the right, but with more barfy colors.  That picture belongs to CraftFail, a blog that is full of more pin fails.  Be sure to click through for more cringe worthy accounts.

*Side note: a friend of mine from Nevada says that she thinks our east coast humidity is partially to blame.  She used to make peppermint ornaments with her daughter’s Girl Scout troop and it was a breeze with their desert air.  She’s tried the same project here in North Carolina but with much less success.


FAIL #2 Hot-Dog Spaghetti


I’m not sure who originally thought this idea up (I’m guessing it was the mother of a 7 year old weirdo kid) but it is so fun.  Below is a picture of the dish and here is a link to a pretty good set of instructions.  There are tons of accounts of this as a fail, but I think that’s just because it doesn’t look very appetizing.  In reality, it tastes like spaghetti and hot-dogs.  Sort of weird but also pretty tasty.


Below is a picture of my dish in process.  I used veggie hot-dogs and whole wheat pasta, because, you know, hippie nerd alert.  I served mine drizzled with honey mustard sauce and a little Parmesan cheese grated on top.  And red wine.  Of course!  It was pretty delish and I would make it again, especially if I had a 7 year old weird kid.



FAIL #3: Cakes of all kinds

All of this talk of failed food reminds me of one of my old time favorite blogs, Cake Wrecks.  If you need a good laugh during the afternoon office slump, go over and scroll through a few pages of glorious cake fails.  The next time you’re at your favorite grocery store, walk through the bakery and see if you can spot any fabulous fails.  I guess I should county myself lucky that the Bi-Lo closest to my house has pretty decent decorators on hand.  One of the parts I really like about this otherwise sort of negative blog is Sunday Sweets.  In a world full of hideous cakes, it is nice to take a weekly break and enjoy some seriously gorgeous works of cake art.  But seriously, check out the naked mohawk baby carrot jockeys.

And also from Cake Wrecks, my life’s motto:


Have you had any hilarious pin FAILs?  Are there any funny blogs like Cake Wrecks that you like to follow?  Please share so we can all have more things to giggle about!

Tiny Tuesday #1

I really like themes.

I like parties with themes.  (Kaylah’s Waffle Party!)

I like book clubs with themes.  (“Western Romance” this month at my public library!)

I really like blogs with day of the week themes. (Friday Favorites, GPOY, etc.)

Oh, themes!  I like organizing and I like having things to look forward to.  I’m not sure if it’ll happen every Tuesday, but I can’t think of more fun things to perpetually share than tiny things.  Why is it that so many tiny things are so adorable?  I dub today “Tiny Tuesday”–a day for sharing adorable tiny things!

Let’s go ahead and get that elephant of a joke out of the way–I know not everything is better tiny.  Ahem, I know I enjoy a BIG buffet and BIG bouffant hair and a few other big things as much as the next person.  Some things are better big.  That leaves lots of other stuff fun for being tiny! {Read about that adorable tiny elephant here.}

For starters-tiny food jewelry.  Now y’all know that I’m a doll fan, so part of me would want to order these treats without the findings.  It would probably be just as fun to have the chains too so I could carry the tiny Sangria and grilled cheese wherever I go!  The creations below are from this Etsy shop in Northern Ireland called Neat Eats and everything is original and handmade!

Here are some of my current favorite store bought miniatures that I got from Micheal’s. They’re made by Sparrow Innovations.  So tiny!  So cute!  I have the set on the right, and totally want the set on the left.  They’re so perfect for my 12 inch dolls.  I’ll have to post pics next time of the little collection I have going for my doll house dream kitchen.

Erasers, y’all.  These are from the Japanese company Iwako.  You can find them on Amazon and for about $7 you get 10 erasers!  These are a great size for dolls, too.  It’s really silly fun to take the erasers apart.  The little strawberries are too tiny and too cute!

Unless you live under a rock, or have not been around an elementary aged kid for 2 years, you’ve surely heard of Shopkins.  (They are totally the Beanie Baby of this generation.)  When I first heard about them I was like, “Okay, so this is a toy that you actually buy so you can pretend to buy it.” Consumerism at it’s finest. But y’all.  They are so tiny and cute that I can hardly stand it.  Of course there are rare and super rare Shopkins, making them painfully collectible.  Since they’re anthropomorphic does it make it cannibalistic if my dolls “eat” them?

Click here to see the $129 golden doughnut Shopkin from Season 1…

Now for some tiny cats!

Go Cute Kitty is a cute overloaded blog about kittens.

 A Buzzfeed video of tiny cats in hats!

And here is a tiny kitten AND a tiny sombrero.


I hope you enjoyed looking at my current TINY obsessions!  Stay tuned for MORE tiny toys, tiny animals, and many other tiny delights!

Picayune Pictures #1

picayune: small and of little importance

pictures: any visible image, however produced

Doesn’t that sound prettier than a “photo dump”?

Y’all, this banana cream filled beignet was a little piece of deep fried holiday magic.  I’m not sure how something so naughty could be gluten-free, but it was.  It’s too bad deep fryers weren’t allowed at the AVL Mardi Gras Annual Cajun Cook-Off competition and this entry couldn’t compete.  It’s also too bad that the winning dish was made in an overlooked illegal deep fryer, but I digress. BEIGNETS.  The real deal.


“Menu” printed from a picture of the wallpaper in Mr. Smith’s bathroom.  I’ve been wanting to put that crawfish to good use since the first time I sat on the throne in his bathroom.  (Other images on the old time-y looking wallpaper include old newspaper clippings and fly fishing advice).  The cakes on the left are Mini Fig Cakes with Vanilla Hard Sauce.  The pieces on the left are Banana Cream cake with Cajun Cream Evangeline.  My mom made them both and we served them up at the cookoff last weekend.  We didn’t win the competition but we did get quite a few votes.  Making taste buds dance is winning enough.


Here is a real life legit King Cake made by The VooDoo Krewe.  Purple icing is my favorite flavor.


This little girl was helping her dad serve up the dish that ended up winning the vegetarian category of the comp.  Check out her little pink chef’s coat!  I gave her the wisp of a pink hair clip in her hair–because OF COURSE I had multicolored hair clips in my purse.  Note the little toy cat to the left of the sauce bottle.  Because of course the little girl in the little pink chef’s coat had her Littlest Pet Shop cat with her.  Very rad kid, indeed.


And for 2 other rando pics…

This stunning sky last Wednesday, right at quittin’ time.


The beginnings of my first roux.  I got bogged down in the recipe and didn’t get any more pictures.  The dish turned out so well that I’m going to make it again soon and I’ll be sure to document better this time.  Teaser: homemade cheese sauce for a fake-out of Velveeta Shells and Cheese.  With a first roux like this, there ain’t no denying my Cajun blood. ❤


Stay tuned and tell me about your Mardi Gras plans, if you’ve ever made a roux before, and if you’ve had any pink and purple skies lately!