TINY TUESDAY #19 & blog post #80!

Hullo there folks!

I hope everyone is faring okay during the onslaught of the winter holidays…

…Christmas & Kwanzaa & Hanukkah & Solstice & ALL THE OTHERS.

Like your most favorite weekly holiday–TINY TUESDAY! :O

Here is a TINY QUOTE to start us off:


I guess that is actually more of a TINY FUN FACT but I haven’t fact checked it, so we will call it a TINY QUOTE. I love strawberries. I miss summer already.


I often send myself direct messages on instagram of recipes and crafty stuff.  Also TINY stuff, of course. I let them build up a bit and here is what I have to show for it: slightly awkward screenshots. I decided not to crop them so you can get some of the tags. Obviously these pictures are not mine–most are watermarked by their owner. Go checkout the various accounts for more fun TINY!
























Here also is some TINY candy. I spotted these on a recent trip to Hopey & Co. in Swannanoa. Nothing like silly fruity candy to make ya feel like a kid again. Just look at the TINY BONZ! I totally want to shellac them and put them on jewelry!




Okay, so I got caught in an awful traffic jam coming home from work today. It turns out, it was an accident with a fatality, so please send out some prayers and good vibes to the folks who lost a loved one today. I had no idea what was up ahead (I found out after I got home) but things were slow moving. I did what I always do in such situations: I put it in park and got out my knitting! After sitting for a few minutes I noticed the lady in the car next to me (a PT Cruiser, no less) giving me the international “roll down your window” handmotion. I have an ACTUAL manual window so this took some doing from across the truck. After I got the window down a bit she hollers to me, “I’VE BEEN PRAYING, WONDERING WHAT WAS GOING ON AND THEN ON THE RADIO–I’M LISTENING TO THE CHRISTIAN STATION–THEY SAID IT WAS A REAL BAD WRECK.” And I’m like, “Yeah that’s what it looks like–we might be here a while, thank goodness I have my knitting.” (I chuckle and hold up my knitting) Then the lady hollers back to me, “I HAVE SOME FRESH BANANAS IN THE BACK, DO YOU WANT ONE? I’LL HAVE MY SON BRING IT OVER TO YOU” I tell her no but thank you I have been eating peppermints and would she like some. She says, “HAHA, NO THANK YOU, BUT GOD BLESS YOU.” And I say , “You, too.” And then the traffic starts to move again and we wave goodbye.

The world is a pretty crazy place right now, but there are TINY bits of magic everywhere. You just have to be ready for them. Look out for them and you just might get a banana and a prayer in the middle of Hwy 321.

Big love to all of y’all.

See you back here soon.

TINY Tuesday #18!

Hello there all & welcome to your pre-mid-week blog post pleasure spot!


Here is a corny but true TINY quote to start us off:

For real, y’all.


and now on to SQUEEEE worthy TINY!





Tiny Cafe popped up in NYC recently with a handful of all sorts of TINY delights. This place must be constantly filled with the sounds of SQUEEEE! Click here to see more pictures of adorable TINY foods! They look delicious but DANG I’d have to go eat a whole pizza after teasers like this. Thanks to Amanda for sharing this TINY delight with me so I could share it with you!




TINY pottery by Jon Almeda

One of my fabulous field agents sent me a link to these delightful TEENY TINY pots. The ones with the crystalline glazes are especially jaw dropping. Be sure to follow AlmedaPottery for more. Thanks Aura for sending me this TINY delight!





mini skeins of yarn from Dying to Knit

more mini skeins here

I’m not sure if you can really tell from this picture, but these are little skeins of yarn. Some shops sell these as a kind of test swatch but they have also gained popularity for knitting hexagons and other small projects. I LOVE these TINY skeins and want to hoard them all. If you ever have sock yarn scraps you can save them and send them to me and I will TINY love you forever.






I stumbled over THIS Etsy shop and fell so far down the rabbit hole of TINY stuff that I almost didn’t make it back out in time for TINY TUESDAY. Do yourself a fun favor and go check out the page, especially the miniatures and eyeball stuff. cOverTableCuriOsitEs has stolen my TINY heart this week!

Speaking of doll stuff, my pal Stacey from Gallery 27 was at the Southern Christmas Show in Charlotte today and sent a field report for us! If you’re from the greater Charlotte area you’ll know that this is a GIANT (and not at all tiny) craft show that comes this time every year. You do have to pay to get in (kinda weird to pay to go buy stuff, but whatevs) but it’s worth doing every few years. I went last year with my mom but somehow missed that there is a dang ol annual miniature exhibit!

Here is a shot of a general store that Stacey sent:


photo credit Stacey Smith of Gallery 27

If you can wrangle tickets on the cheap you should totally go. Last year I bought a bunch of inexpensive fashion socks there, like 10 pairs for 20 bucks, from a sock vendor. They had really silly stuff to choose from as far as designs go and they held up pretty well for “cheap” socks. If you see some you should get a few pairs–and a few fun pairs for me, too!

That’s all for this edition of Tiny Tuesday!

Enjoy the rest of your week and see you again soon here at the old sutler tent!


Tiny Tuesday #17: Tractor supply, Lincolnton Antiques, Haunted Missouri quail, and NO POLITICS!

Well hullo there my dearies!

TINY TUESDAY is here again!

It’s a rather BIG Tuesday for the US so I made sure to get some TINY queued up for you regardless of political affiliation. Because everyone loves TINY, left or right!

Let’s start off with TINY animal overload.





This little cutie belongs to a mama quail in Missouri under the care of my my old derby pal, Sara Wolff aka Roxy Horror. Sara has recently become the owner of a for real HAUNTED CHURCH in Armstrong MO and her quail got broody on the sneaky during her busy couple weeks in closing on the church. So now she has TINY beebee quails. SO TINY. SO CUTE.

Here is a link that may or may not work of one of the TINY birdies. Try clicking here.

Sara REALLY needs to start a blog *AHEM* what with all her cats and dog and birds and orchids and garden and house DIY projects and raptors and insects and HAUNTED CHURCH stuff going on. *AHEM* Ms Wolff XD

Saturday night Mr. Smith and I went out for a hot date that started at Tractor Supply so Chief dog could get some puppy chow. While the mister drooled over a hand-truck that can push a thousand pounds around, I swooned over these TINY things!




The little girl is odd sized for the hutch and rabbits, but otherwise this playset would be perfect for 10-12 inch doll’s houses. The TINY girl could get put in with Lego sized stuff and be fun, too! I love the TINY vegetables for the TINY rabbits!!





I’m not even sure what else to say about this other than TINY TRACTOR! It would be so cute in my curio of TINY delights. I like that it looks old fashioned.




Also on Saturday I had a friend play date with my new friend and co-worker Ms.See! We toured each others houses to squeee over art supplies and animals and then we went out to do some antiquing. I hadn’t realized what an antique-full town Lincolnton has become. Red Door Antiques was full of fun stuff. They were having a Christmas open house..I know, I know. Now that Halloween is over there has been abusive of “the holiday spirit” already, but I gotta say I am a sucker for wintery decor regardless.

While there I spotted these TINY TREATS.






(also, my hand for perspective)





Y’all. I want one of these TINY STOVES so bad. I love the TINY cast iron pan, and even the little lifter thingy to put more wood in the stove. I’m guessing they actually work on some level–maybe at least with a candle inside. I want to make TINY cornbreads! It’s officially on the TINY wish list.





According to the tag, this is some sort of salesman sample, I’m guessing for a door-to-door hat salesman. The quality was really sort of pitiful–I can’t imagine buying a regular sized hat based on this sample–but I loved it anyway. Such a strange piece for any collection. Champ hat, indeed. I’d put it on my head OR inside my curio!


Hope you enjoyed this little bit of TINY TUESDAY delight!

Be good to each other

                              eat some vegetables

                                                    and drink plenty of water

                           and I will see you back for another installment at the sutler tent!

Have a HUGELY wonderful rest of your week.

❤ ❤ ❤

Shameless Self Promotion Saturday!

Hey there faithful readers!

I recently tabled at a craft show that was a total bummer of a bust. Total bummer. 😦 That bummer means I still have a whole bunch of great hand crafted stuff already made and so ready to ship out to you. Check out the pictures below–if you’re interested in anything just reply “SOLD” in the comments (let me know which items you’d like) and give me your email address. I accept Paypal and I’ll ship your items the next business day after I receive payment.

There is also plenty of time for custom orders before the holidays!


This is WAY MORE than just a throw pillow!

It’s also a COWL!

I love art/craft that is functional, so I came up with this idea to make a cover for a decorative throw pillow that can also be used as a scarf. Just untie the ribbons to remove from the pillow and wear as a super cozy scarf. The cowl is made with 100% acrylic yarn–perfect for folks with wool allergies (or vegans!). Throw pillow form IS included.  Measures approximately 16×16 inches on the pillow.

$55 USD shipped.

!Fiddlehead Fern Bonnet!


The Fiddlehead Fern bonnet is totally one-of-a-kind, knitted out of neon green (a bit like Taco Bell’s Baja Blast soft drink, too!) acrylic yarn. Again, perfect for your pals with wool allergies or vegan tendencies. It will fit a teen to adult sized noggin. Stretchy and soft and sure to turn heads. It would also make a great combo gift with the mittens listed next! ❤

$35 USD shipped.

Now for the mitts/fingerless gloves!

These have quickly become one of my most popular items. Last winter season I knitted a whopping ELEVEN custom pairs between October and January! For a little perspective, it takes me about an hour to knit an inch and I knit REALLY fast. These hand warmers can be made as a custom order and can include individual fingers, and varying cuff lengths. Message me if you have any questions or would like to order a pair made JUST for YOU!

All listed pairs below are one size fits most teens and adults. Each glove measures approximately eight inches at full stretch around the fingers and the wrist.

!Baja Blast & Vertical Stripes!

Features some sparkley bits, Hedgehog Fibres Yarn& STRIPES!

I just love stripes.

$65 USD shipped.


!Stay Gold!

Inspired by the line from the classic 1980s movie The Outsiders , “Stay Gold” is a way to check yourself and others, remembering to always be yourself and stay true to what you believe in. Lots of bright yarn in this pair of mitts, and there are highlights of gold yarn for effect.

$65 USD shipped.


!Pretty in Purple!

This is a pretty much purple pair of mitts with a few little bits of pink thrown in for good measure. Sparkley yarn, too, because OF COURSE there is.

$65 USD shipped.


!Celtic Cables!

I had never done any extensive cable work prior to this project, so I came up with the design for these mitts as a personal challenge! They were certainly challenging, and I will probably not make a habit of cables this intricate, but it was an entertaining endeavor! These mitts feature the always delightful Hedgehog Fibres and Madeline Tosh yarns, making them a yarn connoisseur’s delight.

$70 USD shipped.


!Cabled Cuffs!

Speaking again of cables, I used a simple twisted cable to embellish this pair of mitts with extra long cuffs. These are mitts are knitted with my ALL TIME FAVORITE yarn, the Schoppel Zauberball. This variegated yarn makes the most wonderful crazy (hence the name) color gradations–especially when made in stripes.

$80 USD shipped.


And for one little silly thing…

…La Croix postcards.

These are perfect for the sparkling water enthusiast that we all know too well.

You get THREE up-cycled La Croix box postcards that have been embellished with swirls of leftover fingernail polish and glitter, adding just the perfect amount of sparkle to a sparkling water postcard. Send through the mail like a standard postcard but be prepared to have delighted recipients.

All 3 postcards, $6 USD shipped.


Stay tuned for another post featuring my WORLD FAMOUS*

(*they really have sold in 3 countries LOL)


Happy Saturday, y’all! Hope you have a great one!

{All items are calculated with domestic US shipping–if you live outta the US contact me and I will calculate shipping for your particular country!}

Tiny Tuesday #16 {life updates and NEW ORLEANS edition}

Hey, guess what!?!

I am still on planet Earth and it is Tuesday so…


Here is a TINY version of the update on my life that has had some very BIG changes.

About a year ago I started looking for a career change and this August I snagged my dream job! After 10 years in library land I left the “quiet” stacks and traded in my library cards for math books. I’m now a teacher’s assistant for eighth grade math at an alternative middle and high school. It is crazy and fun and challenging and rewarding and stressful and exhausting and fabulous.

I also gave up my rental house and moved in with Mr. Smith on our homestead. We weren’t anticipating doing much remodeling for a while…but when we tore out the nasty old carpet to put down new floors we discovered a whole bunch of not-so-TINY problems that needed serious attention. After about three months of serious work (thanks to Mr. Smith and his brother!!) we are mostly in a livable house again. Our kitchen should even be done by Thanksgiving.

Sooooo, a new job, new house, and remodel have distracted me from TINY TUESDAY. I hope to be officially back on track.

Before I started my new teaching job my mom and I took a quick jaunt to New Orleans to visit my family. The flood thwarted our plans and we only got to spend two days down there before we evacuated. It was more or less a TINY vacation. I saw a bunch of TINY things that I documented for your TINY pleasure!



I don’t even want to ponder how much these cost (I’m sure that wasn’t TINY). I saw them in a shop in the part of the French Quarter where all the fancy-schmancy antique shops are. BUT JUST LOOK AT THE TINY! The TINY turkeys! The TINY snails! The TINY elephants! The TINY cats! So much shiney TINY! They would all be so cute in my own curio of TINY things (special blog post to come)!!!


giant CAT BUTT!


Look at my Mom’s TINY hand next to this enormous cat butt! This was also seen in the French Quarter, in a weaving shop. There is also a TINY ceramic cat in the bottom left corner which I tried to get in the picture, but I was laughing at the pose Mom was making so I only got the top part of its head.



This quote technically says “little” and not “tiny” but I think you get the drift. I spied this in a shop window on a very rainy afternoon. I couldn’t agree with the sentiment any more than I do. TINY DROP OF ETERNITY! Oh how I do love Louisiana, rain or shine. I also love Tennessee Williams.



Just look at the TINY cutie working on this bike! This little red-head belongs to one of my birthday twins and old school CoMo pals. We got to hang out before the rains really descended. Always fun to see a good friend, especially when they bring their rad and very well-behaved TINY human!

Okay! That’s a quick wrap for a way long over-due TINY TUESDAY!

I’ll try again next week–hope to see you then!

I missed you ::big::!

Can’t wait to share more TINY with you soon!