Tiny Tuesday #15

Hey y’all!

Looky here at what day it is AGAIN!

Tuesday!!! Get ready for TINY time!!!



I really do love TINY quotes. Every now and then I stumble across a really great one like this!! Tiny sparks are important! Fan the flames and build off those tiny sparks! Unless, of course, you are putting out a campfire. In that case, please be a Smokey the Bear about that mess and be sure the spark is OUT!




These two silly TINY edible treats came from a Doll Dinner over at Mod Mom’s house. Her son, Grumpy Skittles, had gotten a microwave food kit to make these little donuts–it was pretty hilarious and fun. The kit ended up and made about a dozen little donuts! They tasted more like cake than a donut, but were still delicious and definitely worth trying. The TINY hamburger is actually candy! The burger part tasted like Nutella and the bun part was a cookie. I could have eaten the whole box! It was a great doll prop for sure!







The eraser game at Tofu Cute is a strong one! I always find something hilariously adorable AND TINY whenever I check in on their page! Just look at those banana faces!







Just look at these marvelous TINY treasures!!! While I was at the farm this weekend, Chantal whisked me into the sunroom to show off some of the TINY treasures from her youth in France. She wanted to make sure that I told you that the knife and scissors actually DO work. The little ivory binoculars and key are just for show. I’ll have to go back and get some more pictures from her collection of wonderful TINY delights!!! There are so many more TINY things to show you!

That is all for this TINY Tuesday!

Stay tuned next week for a special report on TINY FAIRY GARDENS!

You do NOT want to miss out!

Have a HUGELY wonderful week!

❤ 🙂 ❤

That necklace. (OOTD #6)

That necklace.

I think you may know the one I’m talking about.

Kids love it.

Ladies of a certain age remember theirs.

Snooty middle age women think it’s tacky.

All of these are terrific reasons to wear one.

“The Charm Necklace”


This is mine from when I was a kid. I was actually right at the tail end of these being popular. I think girls a little older than me were really more of the target audience back in the late 1980s. I haven’t had much luck finding the history of these collectors items. This  link has the most info I can find about them. Someone on this message board says they were called “Jingle Jems” but I can’t find any information about a company called that. I also read that some schools banned these necklaces because they were so noisy!

You can find lots of individual charms and whole collections on eBay by using search terms like “bells 1980s plastic charms” etc. These days the original charms are going for about $10 a piece. I know had a little baby bottle charm at some point but I probably commandeered it for Peggy, my most favorite doll from the 1988 time period.

Here are some of my originals!


I think the mouse used to have a google eye–I think I might glue a new one in his empty eye socket–or maybe a jewel! The little frying pan is totally my favorite!


Red bike! Blue bike!


How weird and wonderful is this ice skating “LUCKY” boot?!


Here are my DokiDoki charms. All of these cuties have come from the every wonderful DokiDoki Crate. Seen here are two Hoppe-Chan (see more here) from Sunhoseki. The thing that looks kind of like a seal is actually a bottle of mayonnaise. So weird and SO AWESOME. I forget his name though. 


Toki Doki Unicornos!


This bicycle lunch box charm is a current one from Michael’s–the stores around here in NC are actually running a bunch of this stuff on clearance for a DOLLAR a charm. I hope that doesn’t mean they are going to discontinue the line! I’m hoping it just means there is another series coming out. If you are interested in these charms you should definitely check out your local Michael’s just in case!

Did you have a necklace like this “back in the day”?

Have you added any new charms to it lately?

Tiny Tuesday #14 :)

Oh hello there Tuesday!

It is here again!


Sorry about the slump of Tiny Tuesday last week–I had a major space cadet moment.

Another week is gone but here is another TINY TUESDAY is here for your reading pleasure!

Last week I was gifted a seriously wonderful TINY delight from a long time pal of mine.


Notice in the top right corner it says “HOLD HERE”

and then down in the right front it says “THIS SIDE UP”

Can you guess what it is?




I squeeed so hard, y’all. I am so stoked to put these in my purse so I can always color! The person who gave these to me was my first favorite librarian, Mrs. Bear. She scratched instructions on the little black case so the pencils don’t fly all over the place when you open them up. She did this because of personal experience, hahaha! What a wonderful addition to the TINY collection. Thanks again!




iwako icecream

More Iwako from Kawaii USA. I can’t resist their food erasers! I’ve never seen these custard/ice-cream ones before so I had to share them! Kawaii USA has quite a few erasers I haven’t seen before. From what I can tell it’s a wholesale dealer, so you can’t buy just one or two. Still worth drooling over!



(near a BIG beer!)

tiny beer

This awesome shot was sent to me by my good buddy Karen over at Brews&Jewels. She found this delightful TINY table and TINY beer at Sweeten Creek Brewing in Asheville. I’ve never been there, but if they have a TINY treat like this, I can’t wait to go drink a BIG beer on their patio! Thanks again to Karen for being a great TINY TUESDAY field agent!




I want the mint and licorice colors SO BADDDD!

I’m just doing the one enamel pin this week. I really love this design, but also want to give a shout out to Tuesday Bassen who is not only a great designer, but she is fighting the good fight. A big dumb store (Zara) ripped off a bunch of Tuesday’s designs as well as the designs of quite a few other artists. If you want to read more about the theft click these links–publications from NY Magazine, to Good Housekeeping, to Jezebel (and MANY others) have reported on this. It’s a good reminder to be wary of big chains, don’t be breaking commandments,  and support your local artist types!





These thread spools also came from Mrs. Bear! I think I will put them in my beading tool box to use for jewelry. Won’t they be pretty to paint on?! I was also thinking it would be neat to wood burn on them. I’ll have to see if any of my friends near by have the tools for that. Tiny things are so much fun.



I was bad and bought another Tricky Cat. Who couldn’t love that mustard smeared kitty face!? AND corndogs! This one came with two corndogs. I didn’t notice until I was looking up the tag #trickycat on instagram that these vinyl figures have TINY BUTTHOLES. I giggled so hard when I realized this because I am almost seven years old. The new sushi NumNom from Amethyst is giggling, too.

When I went to grab the link for Kidrobot I saw these beauties! A dang CHESS SET!!! Are you kidding me?! Labbit dogs!? Horrible Adorables!? Again, go ahead and take all my money. Ugh, I love these dang collectibles.




Mr. Smith and I are slowly but surely blending our animal families. Y’all have met Patti and Duck, but you haven’t met Chief. I’ll have to give him his own post someday soon. Suffice to say, Chief is a sweetheart, but he IS a big dog and the cats think he breathes too loud and is too excited with his prancing and tail wagging. Patti is not as phased, nor interested in the dog as Duck is. Duck wants to be friends SO BAD but is really scared and hisses and hides an awful lot. I was making egg salad the other day and everyone was interested enough in the food I was making that they all made it into a picture together! Considering they have only been together 3 times I think this is pretty quick progress. TINY miracles are still BIG ones!!!



My #1 field reporter Cotton Candy made sure that I knew about this segment on the CBS morning show. I can’t EVEN deal with how delightful the TINY TREEHOUSES are. You really do need to click and watch this little video. SPOILER: there are also TINY murder scenes! :O

That is all for this week!

See you again soon for another TINY Tuesday!